Definitions and Naming Convention
In the following, the Semada Research Institute is naming and defining certain core functions of the Semada Platform:
Semada Research Institute (SRI)
The Semada Research Institute (SRI) is a non-profit research foundation and laboratory that provides research and development expertise in the following areas: distributed systems, dynamical systems, cryptography, crypto-economics, micro/macroeconomics, algorithmic monetary design, blockchain architecture, blockchain protocol design, token economics design and other areas within the larger decentralized and distributed systems domain.
Semada Labs (Labs)
Semada Labs’s technology and engineering team implement SRI’s economic and mathematical models, protocols, and the SRI research agenda.
Semada Core
Semada core refers to the central voting algorithm of the Semada Platform.
It involves 3 elements:
The forum of expertises. For each expertise, there is a linked list1 of posts, where each list has a sub-token assigned to it, based on its root post, called the expertise tag, or expertise. Most posts will be evidence of work, but they may also include evidence of expertise, policy suggestions, or contract templates. A post is a trivial smart contract on the Semada blockchain, typically a short text post or URL link to further information off chain. The forum is housed on a blockchain to allow eternal verification and review of the reputation created in each post.
The bench of experts. Experts are anonymous users who stake their respective sub-tokens to answer validation requests or proclaim their availability for off-platform work.
The validation pool. Experts may stake their expertise-specific tokens in order to validate or invalidate posts through a betting pool. This is used to answer validation requests, set precedents, promote specialization and proficiency. The validation pool is the mechanism which creates and distributes reputation.
Anchor DAO (ADAO)
Core function: Block propagation. The Anchor Protocol DAO is the Semada DAO responsible for block production. Each time a block is produced, the SEM Token denominated fees from the transactions in the block are shared with the entire Anchor DAO members as SEM Token denominated reputation salary (SEM Token is earned for each block in proportion to DAO members’ Anchor token holdings). As Anchor DAO members participate in the block validation pools and join winning pools their Anchor token increases. Conversely, if they more often lose in validation pools, their Anchor holdings decrease. Several subsidiary DAOs will be created based on technological protocol network needs to the Anchor DAO. Payment of ADAO members: SEM Fee Sharing in proportion to ADAO token ownership
Network Improvement DAO (NIDAO)
The NIDAO is tasked with network innovation for SRI. Membership of the NIDAO is contingent on being selected by the existing NIDAO members. Candidates for NIDAO membership only qualify if they posted valuable protocol upgrades and business proposals that were upvoted by the existing members. NIDAO members get paid for their upvoted protocol contributions in both SEM Tokens and NIDAO Tokens. SEM tokens are fungible and traded on cryptocurrency exchanges. NIDAO Tokens are not fungible. NIDAO Tokens are the membership tokens that grant access to the NIDAO. Only the NIDAO Tokens are used for voting on incoming protocol improvement proposals.
Stability DAO (SDAO)
The SDAO is the central policy making DAO for the Semada Stability Mechanism. It creates a core improvement over existing stability mechanism for cryptocurrencies. The SDAO is needed for multiple oracle functions in the stability mechanism and enables an unprecedented fully decentralized stability model. Payment Source: Anchor fee payment participation.
Semada Stability Mechanism (SSM)
The Semada Stability Mechanism (SSM) provides core policy tools that help adjusts the supply of SEM in response to SEM price movements. Similar to earlier attempts in the Basis model, the mechanism enabling price and purchase power stability in SSM involves 3 tokens: 1. SEM, 2. BONDS, and 3. SHARES. SSM uses the Semada core voting algorithm for decentralized autonomous organizations (Stability DAO or SDAO) to improve the Basis model in several core policy functions in a fully decentralized and autonomous way. We illustrate the mathematical limits of crash and burn scenarios of earlier attempts and contrast them with our own stability mechanism and its theoretical limits.
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